My friends and neighbors cannot do enough, including bringing meals, shopping, running errands, providing legal services, and visiting frequently to keep me company, while Karen is hospitalized. They are supporting Karen, in the hospital, with the same dedication, anxious for us to be home together.
Karen and I are discovering that allowing our family, friends, and neighbors to help us through this period also empowers all of them to feel that they also make a difference, a serious difference through their contributions of time and energy. I discovered early in my life that helping others was a great way to stop thinking about myself and my troubles. While the war in Israel, rages on seven fronts, our need for their help and support seems to be an empowering distraction for all of them.
Those in my immediate circle know that I have a song for every subject and mood. This does not translate to amateur radio and the podcast well, so this sometimes annoying personality trait may be unknown to most of you. I sing all of the time. Today I feel grateful and the following song written by John Bucchino and performed by Brian Stokes Mitchel, Grateful, comes to mind.
73, Eric 4Z1UG