Episode 275 - Bob Logan - NZ5A
Bob Logan, NZ5A, enjoys the simple pleasures of exploring new modes as well as mastering old modes, as well as ultra-low frequency bands. Bob is a collector and restorer of old ham radio gear and old broadcast radios. Bob reminds us that we hams are a community, who like to share what we learn in our fine hobby with others. |
Hometown: Hebronville, TX First License: 1962, Age 14, WN5CIY NZ5A says: “QRP Operation makes a better operator” First Field Day Article: QST website in 2011 Favorite operating mode: CW Lessons from first field day: Be enthusiastic about operations and know how to hook stuff up Most challenging home-brew project: multi-band QRP rig How to be successful on ultra-low frequencies:
Rigs: First rig: Current Rig:
811A RF Amplifier National NC-173 receiver AK47 SA85 receiver Heathkit HX11 Transmitter Ten-Tec Argonaut 509 HF transceiver National NC183D Receiver Collins 32S1 Transmitter Drake T4XC Transmitter People: Elmers: John Collins Mr. Ford Terms Texas Longhorn, University of Texas, Football Big Ben New Years Eve chime Zenith green table radio 120 Bass Piano Accordion Sputnik Russian Satellite Texas A&M, BSEE University of Texas, Austin MS Library Science Corpus Christi Amateur Radio Club J38 Telegraph Key Maritime Mobile Service Net August QST cover plaque Award for your article, Optimizing Propagation on 630 and 2200 meters. FlexRadio Flex 1500 W4SZE Beacon A Kinda, Sorta Inverted L antenna VOM - volt ohm meter Signal Generator Atwater Kent consumer radios Amateur Radio Code of Conduct - The amateur is balanced Greatest challenge facing amateur radio now: Retaining the original culture and purpose of amateur radio, and fragmentation of hams into special interest groups that might loose community Most excited by:
Advice to new or returning hams: Perfection is the enemy of good, just get on the air. The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here. Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG. | Heathkit AR3 Receiver Drake "C" line NZ5A Operating Position NZ5A QRP Homebrew Transceivers |