Episode 163 - Steve Herman - W7VOA
Steve Herman, W7VOA’s, love of amateur radio and media led him into a career as a news correspondent for the Associate Press, independent foreign journalist, and ultimately with the Voice of America (VOA) as its White House correspondent, traveling and reporting on the President of the United States. Even with his busy schedule, W7VOA has time for amateur radio and this QSO Today with Eric, 4Z1UG. |
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Steve Herman links: Hometown: Cincinnati, OH Voice of America Gulf Manor, Cincinnati First License: Age 12, WN7WYF, Novice Upgrade: WA7WYF QCWA Lifetime Membership Las Vegas Amateur Radio Club Thunderbird Hotel Amateur Radio Station Elmer: Wayne Schenk, K7WS, (formerly WA6ZND) Amateur Radio Remote Base Systems in Southwest 10 meter FM Steve Herman 73 magazine Potosi Mountain Radio Site, Nevada First Rigs: Eico 753 transceiver - “worst radio ever made" Swan 500C Model 15 Teletype Triband beam antenna Favorite Mode: CW straight key Current Rig:
Steve’s IRLP hangout: Walla Reflector in So California IRLP 9350 Mikro-node IRLP self contained node Japan Cable Television Associated Press North Korea seems to be the DX entity that everyone wants 7J1AIL: Steve’s call in Japan White House Bureau Chief for Voice of America - Steve’s current day job Voice of America Museum “The Cold War” Smith Mundt Act VOA Radiogram - Kim Elliot digital mode broadcast from VOA Tokyo International Amateur Radio Association - ham radio club in Tokyo for foreign hams Japan Amateur Radio League Ham Fair, Tokyo Akihabara ham shops in Tokyo IRLP node - Internet Radio Linking Protocol Nano-Node by Micro-Node International - portable IRLP node John Zorger, WA1STU VOA antenna expert Most excited by: Diversity of the hobby while innovation is continuing with the digital modes. Advice to new or returning hams: Find an aspect of the hobby that you like. The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here. Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG. | Eico 753 HF SSB Transceiver Swan 500C HF Transceiver Yaesu FT-867 HF, VHF, UHF Transceiver Micro-node "IRLP Nanonode" |