Episode 210 - Tony Hutchison - VK5ZAI
Tony Hutchison, VK5ZAI, who, from his interest in satellite communications, became an important backup communications link in South Australia for the NASA space shuttle missions, the Mir Space Station, and the International space station when crewed by amateur radio operators. Tony is a pioneer in this area of ham radio and has been recognized by NASA for his contributions. VK5ZAI is Eric’s QSO Today. |
Tony’s Website VK5ZAI River boat, 62 foot, Nov 1984 Video interview with with VK5ZAI on Australia TV -described Tony’s ham shack is “built entirely from scratch from cast off gizmos” Elmers: Herb Brown, VK3NN Gordon ,VK5CC Australia Links:
RSGB Handbook - sample copy First license: 1960, VK5ZAI, “Z” license, restricted to VHF and UHF bands First Rig: SCR522 Aircraft Transceiver Pye VHF taxi radio converted to 2 Meters Space Stuff:
Satellites and Space Vehicles:
The Rigs:
Astronauts mentioned:
Rotary encoder 2.4 GHz TV transmitter on ISS Australian Amateur Radio Foundation License 10 MHz GPS Locked Timebase Excited most by: New surge of interest by young people in Australia entering amateur radio with the Foundation License, and the incorporation of computers and digital electronics into the hobby. Advice to new or returning hams: Look at the digital modes. The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here. Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG. | VK5ZAI Ham Shack VK5ZAI Tracking Antennas VK5ZAI home-brew 10 Mhz GPS time base and signal generator Yaesu FT-411 VHF and UHF Transceivers |