Episode 169 - Ron Gang - 4X1MK
Ron Gang, 4X1MK, had his early amateur radio beginnings in Canada, and later immigrated, as part of a group, to Israel in the 1970s, where his amateur radio license, skills, and equipment were highly appreciated and valued. Always an active amateur radio operator, 4X1MK is willing to try every operating mode. Ron shares his amateur radio story and his perspectives of the amateur radio service in Israel, past and present. |
The tin can telephone - two tin cans with a string. 1920 Grolier’s Book of Knowledge had crystal radio plans King Edward's School, Toronto, Canada 1N34 Germanium Diode 2N107 code practice oscillator Crystal radio with 2N107 amplifier 1U5 Regenerative Receiver First License: 1965, Age 15, VE3GAG Ministry of Transport Office, Toronto Mentor: Irving Liss, VE3XU First Rig:
Lend Lease Act - WW2 Program to supply Russians with equipment Eddystone Receiver Heathkit DX100B transmitter Habonim Dror - Jewish Labor Zionist Youth Movement Royal Military College, Kingston Israel Amateur Radio Club Yaesu FT227R Transceiver Ron was the Israeli Correspondent for 73 Magazine Hagal “The Wave” Magazine, published by the Israel Amateur Radio Club Packet Radio, AX.25 Ruppin Institute, Netanya Transcendental Meditation Current Rigs: Oscar 10 Amateur Satellite Oscar 13 CW and SSB Zepp antenna Quad Antenna - Gem Quad Antennas 2 element Delta loop antenna John Tait, EI7BA, Quad antenna LB Cebik, W4RNL Certified Nerd Astral Traveling - we astral traveling with our radios Excited most by: making contact with people Advice to new or returning hams: Get out with the people. There is something for everybody. The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here. Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG. | Ron's VE3GAG Station, 1963 Then 4Z4MK, Station, 1983 4X1MK Oscar Antenna Array Yaesu FT-920 Transceiver |