Episode 281 - Yoram Rotbach - 4Z1YR
If you want to get stuff done, you give it to a busy person. Yoram Rotbach, 4Z1YR, is the busy ham who has become the repeater tzar for the Israel Amateur Radio Club. Now retired from the Israeli military, but still employed full time with an international corporation, Yoram is leading the charge to replace and refurbish Israel’s repeater network while at the same time pursuing his own projects that include: DMR, Brandmeister, microwave linking, mesh networking, and satellite operation. |
Hometown: Haifa, later Kiryat Motzkin First License: 1987, Class C Novice 4Z9DEA Israel Amateur Radio Licenses
Terms: 100 Electronic Projects Crystal Radio Set Hadera Technical High School Collins VHF Amplifier 4X4HQ Club Station Dragon 32 8 Bit Computer Assembly Language Simple RTTY Program ARRL - American Radio Relay League QST Magazine - Official magazine of the ARRL Cube Satellite Amateur CubeSat UO16 Store and Forward Amateur Satellite Yaesu Azimuth and Elevation Rotator Yagi Antenna Cross Polarization Right Hand Polarization TAPR, Tucson Amateur Packet Radio AMSAT GEO31 Satellite - need reference 8051 Processor IBM Clone Computer Kenwood TR751 Transceiver Yaesu FT-790R MK2 MFJ 1278 Technion University Amateur Digital Satellite Television QO100 Qatar Es’Hail Satellite AMSAT DL Prime Focus Dish Amateur Digital Voice Modes D-Star Icom ID-51 DStar DVMega Hotspot Jonathan Naylor, G4KLX, my guest in Episode 230 DMR - Digital Mobile Radio TYT MD390 UHF DMR Radio Brandmeister DMR Server Motorola XPR8400 C-Bridge DMR Server Motorola MSR2000 Repeater Motorola MSF5000 Repeater Allstar Link Network Icom VHF Repeater Vertex Repeater Motorola Quantar TCP/IP AREDNmesh Dayton Hamvention Greatest challenge: Getting new people interested, protecting our bands. Excited most by: An amazing time to bridge love for radio, networking, and computers Advice to new or returning hams: Welcome back, and don’t be afraid to ask for help The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here. Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG. | Kenwood TR-751 VHF/UHF Transceiver Yaesu FT-790R VHF/UHF Transceiver Icom ID-51A D-Star Dual Band Portable |