Episode 457 - Graham Firth - G3MFJ
Graham Firth, G3MFJ, joined our amateur radio hobby almost sixty years ago as a kid growing up in Yorkshire, England. Electronics and electronics building was the driver and is still Graham's first love in the hobby. QRP was the natural choice of this builder and a way to avoid television interference to his neighbors. Graham is active in the G-QRP group, builds QRP kits for the group, and still plays a mean bass guitar. G3MFJ is my guest on QSO Today.
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Elmer: David Pratt (G4DNP) G3KEP
First License: December 1957, Age 15, G3MFJ First Rig: RAF receiver R1155 Transmitter 6V6 PA fiberboard front panel Graham’s USA call signs: KC7LLX, Extra Class AV7VN, W3MFJ Graham and Tony’s book: Simple Test Equipment for the QRPer with G4WIF Graham’s Test equipment recommended: Digital volt/ohm meter RF Probe Crystal Oscillator Crystal tester Signal tracer Terms Shipley, West Yorkshire, England Bradford Grammar School GPO telephone company - the “Government Phone Office”, precursor to British Telecom. Tony Fishpool, G4WIF - longtime friend of Graham’s, and co-author of Simple Test Equipment for the QRPer. G-QRP Club - founded by George Dobbs, G3RJV. G3MFJ Ozarkcon biography George Dobbs, G3RJV(SK), founder of the G-QRP - Limerick “Sudden” receiver - direct conversion Limerick “Sudden” transmitter Small Wonder Labs - kit supplier owned by Dave Benson, K1SWL, who retired and moved the Rockmite kits to Rex, Harper, K1REX, at QRPme. G-QRP Club buildathon Kanga UK - regen receiver Sputnik 80 Meter transceiver Michael Rainey, AA1TJ - QRP builder on protoboard and former QSO Today guest. Oleg Borodin, RV3GP, - QRPer - book here MeSquares - from Rex, K1REX Island Pad Cutter - 5mm diamond cutter that makes circular pads with drill press. Don Cameron Award by the RSGB in 2105 Absorption Wave Meter RSGB Centenary Receiver Kit Tim Peake, GB1SS, astronaut on the International Space Station ARCI QRP Hall of Fame Advice to new or returning hams: Join a club
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Limerick Sudden Receiver