Episode 117 - Gerry Jurrens - N2GJ

New Jersey QRP Club"It all started with a girl, Amy. Her brother, Larry, was a ham" Princeton, New Jersey, YMCA Radio Club First Elmer: William “Bill” Haldane, WA2HQE, worked at RCA. First License: Novice, Age 16, WN2VTT First Rig: Upgrades:
Gerry’s father was an electronic engineer at Western Electric Current Rigs: Flex 6700 Alpha Delta DX Trap dipole QRP Rigs: Elecraft KX1 Elecraft KX2 Elecraft KX3 Hurricane Sandy WSPRnet Princeton Red Cross N2ARC Arrow Antenna J-Pole Favorite Radio Clubs:
Alan Wolke, W2AEW QRP - Why QRP? Amateur Radio Field Day - favorite event - 40 meter CW End fed long wire 64/1 balun Ray Simpson, WA2PYX, going to the Faroe Islands George Herran, N2APB Gerry’s XYL was Connie - N2ATJ (SK) Most exciting ham radio happening: Marriage of ham radio and the Internet Brooke Allen, N2BA - Game design for amateur radio contesters Moore’s Law DV Dongle/Hot Spot - DMR node Allstar Network - open source repeater linking over the Internet Advice to new or returning hams:
Alan Katz, K2UYH - EME - course for non-technical people Delaware Valley Radio Association - free dues for the first year W2ZQ.com Mesh Networking - Hamnet The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here. Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG. | Eico 720 90 Watt CW Transmitter SBE-144 Crystal Controlled 2 Meter FM Mobile |