Episode 167 - Jim Garland - W8ZR

Jim Garland, W8ZR’s, website First License: Age 11, 1954, WN0ZKE General upgrade: Age 12, W0ZKE UK callsign: G5APG, Callsign change: 1969, W8KFL First Rig: Heathkit AT1 transmitter Heathkit AR3 Receiver After General Class upgrade Harold Bourell, W6NZ, FCC examiner, was a master home-brewer 32V7 Homebrew Transmitter by Harold Bourell First contact: W0ZKW, Kansas City Collins 75A1 Cornell University, PHD Physics Cambridge Fellowship, Physics Solid State Experimental Physics became condensed matter physics Ohio State University, Department of Physics Johnson Viking Kilowatt Johnson Desktop Kilowatt Amplifier another look Collins S Line, Collins 32S-3 transmitter Collins 75S-3C Collins 30L-1 amplifier, Collins 30S-1 amplifier Drake C Line Multi Elmac AF68 Transmitter Multi Elmac PMR8 Receiver Senator Barry Goldwater, K3UIG Drake “5” line included a Drake TR5 transceiver Dual conversion receiver Sideband Engineering SBE33 National HRO600 receiver - nixie tube digital display W8ZR Station Pro radio switching system “If it doesn’t look good, it isn’t good” - Jim’s Ohio State Physics lab moto Most challenging home-brew project: W8ZR StationPro Controller QSK switching - full break in CW Omniglyph circuit board design software - Jim’s CAD software for schematic capture and board layout. 4XC250B Tetrode Sources of parts for homebrew and old rig reconstruction:
Stepper Motor Favorite contest: CQ Worldwide DX contest Versakeyer by Paul Horowitz - QST Magazine, May 1979 The Art of Electronics - Paul Horowitz Begali Sculpture Paddle Chevron CW Paddle from England Kingman Reef DXpedition KP6KR Most excited by: New types of communications technology, SDR, astonishing technical development FlexRadio 6300 transceiver Elecraft K3 Nationwide Radio and Equipment Sales Advice to new or returning hams:
Beverage Receive Antenna The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here. Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG. | National HRO 600 Receiver Home brew transmitter was based on the Collins 32V3 AM transmitter by Harold Bourell, W6NZ W8ZR Operating Console |