Episode 118 - Bill Murray - W9VC

Boy Scouts Radio Merit Badge First Elmer: Uncle Frank “Stewart” Aymer , WA8YAY, “Toot Codes sound language First Callsign: age 12,1967, WN8YTL Other Elmer: Whittier E Clark, W8IHN First Contact: John Nicholson, WN7IHO First Rig:
Current Rigs: Operating Position 1:
Operating Position 2 Favorite operating mode: CW W9VC CW warmup: “Bens Best Bent Wire” Bill Crane, W9ZN Lowell Hamfest Best way to get on CW:
First Class Radio Telephone Education: University of Michigan, BSIE Industrial Engineering Worked in Materials Mangement. -
Favorite Hamfest: Hudsonville Hamfest, Michigan 6V6 6L6 transmitter 807 final amplifier 6AG7 with pair of 807 finals Transistor transmitter rigs Best source of parts for tube projects: obsolete test equipment Refurbished Rigs:
Some home-brewer tools: 1) Drill , punch, drill bits, Round Metal file,( optional-Greenlee punches, nibbler) Greenlee punches
3) Soldering iron, rosin core solder 4) VOM or VTVM , rf probe is helpful 5) Watt meter 6) Wave meter 7) Capacitor/Inductance Meter Recommended first tube project: 6L6 Transmitter How to get a tube tester:
Emissions versus mutual conductance tube tester W9VC tube type stereo amplifier. What is the advantage of a tube stereo amplifier? Best audio sources for tube amplifiers: used CDs Eastern Indiana QRP Club Donny, WA9TGT, Drake 2B, “cult receiver” Richard WB9LPU, builds bugs and keys What kind of impact does amateur radio have on your family life? Dave Benson transceiver SWL40 Elecraft K1 Hartwick Pines State Park Porcupine Mountain State Park Advice to new or returning hams:
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