Karen's graduation was Tuesday night, She was one of the three doctorates awarded from UNISA that evening. There was a lot of pomp and circumstance. It was a proud moment for both of us as she worked hard for five years to get it. Her professors were grateful that we made the trip to South Africa to attend the graduation.
Towards the end of our trip, Eddie, ZS6BNE, from Episode 28, drove 250 km to visit me at our friend's home in Johannesburg for a great afternoon of amateur radio conversation, lunch, and a demonstration of his tiny RaDAR (rapid deployment amateur radio) rig. We set it up, end-fed long wire across the patio, for a SSB conversation with another South African ham on 40 meters some 600 km from Johannesburg. I recorded some of our conversation with my new Zoom H5 digital recorder. I will create a special episode for you with the recording and pictures of Eddie's rig.
Bill Murray, W9VC, is my guest this week. Bill likes to build vacuum tube transmitters in his spare time and has several operating desks in his ham shack with different kinds of tube rigs. He has great advice for hams who want to pursue building tube equipment, either to build new, or to refurbish. Be sure to check out the link to a YouTube video of Bill doing his CW warm up.
So here I am, now, back in the saddle again, just like the Gene Autry song. My list of tasks is in front of me that include the "honey dos", building a new business, and creating more QSO Today podcasts for you. No rest for the wicked!