Karen and I also discovered Uber taxi service on demand that merges a smart phone application and transportation. As they say here in South Africa, it was "brilliant" and made our getting around Cape Town as simple as pushing a button. With everyone driving on the opposite side of the street, British style, I was happy to be a passenger.
Gerry Jurrens, N2GJ, is my QSO this week. Like many of the QSO Today guests, Gerry is just comfortable in amateur radio and can speak on a broad range of ham radio subjects with natural authority. He likes to try everything from the ham radio menu. Gerry joins and participates in clubs, works in his community EMT group, does QRP and WSPRnet, and likes to elmer and help out where he can. Gerry is a natural teacher after spending a career as a mentor and instructor at the Oracle corporation. How many of us can say that our ham radio story started with a girl?
While away from the home QTH, I have very limited access to computers, so I am behind in my emails and administration. I will be back in the groove next week. Until then, thanks for listening and supporting the QSO Today podcast.