Ben's mother, now one of over one hundred mothers of soldiers who have lost their lives serving Israel in the last month, speaks at his funeral. At the point where I start the video, she reminds us, our politicians, and the world of their responsibility to the families of the fallen. Their cause is great, the enemy is evil, and this is the price that we pay for freedom from tyranny and the barbarians at the gate.
Last night was the last night of Hanukkah where we celebrate the victory of the Maccabees over the Hasmonian Greeks who defiled the Temple in Jerusalem and persecuted the Jews over 2100 years ago. Our tradition is that we light an additional candle on each of 8 nights. Last night our menorah, our 8 branched candelabra, was completely full of lights.
Our Maccabees, our soldiers on at least three fronts, are lighting their candles, in the rubble of war, and away from their families. They are in our hearts as we light the candles and sing the blessings that accompany the lighting. They know that they are on a sacred mission to rid our land of evil.
Thanks, Yishai, for reminding me to "light one candle".