I told Ron, after the podcast interview, about a time where I discovered a guy in the neighborhood restoring an airplane. A Piper with a muslin cover. Maybe a four seater. About four months later, I see the same guy in the community pool and he tells me that the plane is finished. Do I want a ride? I am eleven years old. Of course I want a ride! I go to tell my mother, who is sitting with other mothers at the pool, about his amazing offer and she replies, "sure honey, take your two brothers".
The following Saturday my brothers and I fly in this newly refurbished airplane from the airport in Fullerton, California to the Puddingstone Reservoir for the "$100.00 hamburger". What a great experience! G-d bless my mom. I was hooked on airplanes for over 30 years.
I told Ron, that years later, as a parent of boys myself, I finally asked my mom, "what was going through your mind when you turned over your children, all of them, to a stranger who built an airplane in his garage?". Her reply was that it seemed like a good idea at the time. It certainly was and it ignited a passion in me that has never died.
How do we open our garages once again, to demonstrate our hobbies to impressionalble kids who could take our ideas and soar?
Eric 4Z1UG