Episode 000 - Eric Guth - 4Z1UG / Wa6IGR

Other call signs: WA6VHF, WA6IGR, 4Z5UG
First "Elmer" was Gary Parks, K6UIM (sk), Mike Klein, WA6VLD
First rig was the Heathkit HW-16 where I operated 40 meter CW as a Novice while at the same time the manager of the San Diego Novice Crystal Bank. I currently operate an Elecraft K2 and a Kenwood TS-520.
Favorite mode: Allstar Link
Best ham radio memories: Orange County Transmitter Hunting on Saturday nights
- El Cajon Amateur Radio Club - 1972 - 1973
- Newport Amateur Radio Society - 1973 - 1978
- American Radio Relay League
- Cactus Intertie Network though its Santa Barbara affiliate 1979 - 1984
- Israel Amateur Radio Club
- Jerusalem Amateur Radio Society, founder