Episode 126 - Rob Sherwood - NC0B

Rob's Websites:
Started by listening on shortwave to the Cincinnati Police on 1706 Khz First License: 1961, Novice, WN8ADB First Mentor: W8AU First Rig:
Product Detector - a demodulator used in AM and SSB receivers that takes the mix product of the modulated signal and a low frequency oscillator to decode the signal. Favorite mode: AM Viking Ranger Johnson Matchbox - antenna tuner Link coupled tuner KOA Radio - Denver, Colorado. Clear channel AM station ARRL - American Radio Relay League Stewart Perry W1BB (sk), Amateur Radio CQ Worldwide SSB Current Rigs:
Drake Roofing Filter Tim Duffy, K3LR, once had Drake C line in his contest station Hewlett-Packard HP-608C signal generator Ten-Tec Orion 1 Recommended beginner rigs:
Boulder Amateur Radio Club Barc Juniors - Bounder Amateur Radio Club's group for kids. Advice to new or returning hams - buy a radio that you can afford and get on the air. The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here. Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG. | Johnson Adventurer Transmitter National NC-2-40-C Receiver Icom IC-781 Transceiver Kenwood TS-990S |