Episode 100 - Ned Stearns - AA7A

First License: WN8JWY, 1963, 12 years old, in Warren, Ohio First Rig: Upgrade to Technician class license, 1964 Heathkit “Twoer” 2 meter Benton Harbor lunchbox First Club: Warren Amateur Radio Club Clegg Venus SSB 6 meters Ron Parise, WA4SIR, Phd Astronomy, Nasa space shuttle astronaut Education: BSEE, Purdue University, 1972. Magnavox Corporation - government sono buoys EIMAC Notes - The very first moon bounce contact AA7A Operating modes: CW primary, 160 and 80 Meters 3 moon bounce stations
W5UN - 64 yagi antennas for moon bounce - The elmer for moon bounce. KL7MEM Yagi Antenna Design Calculator Larry W7IUV - EME Elmer Current Station: Yaesu FT726R Icom IC-271 Kenwood TS2000 Power Amplifier is 8877 tetrode W6PO design. Started as CW operation , now uses JT65 E-Skip Meteor scatter AA7A has worked 1250 stations in Europe over EME 11 Band DXCC Bill Moore, NC1L - Former ARRL DXCC and Awards manager VooDoo Contest Group Vince Thompson, K5VT - world traveler Yasme Foundation Intrepid DX Group DXpedition: South Sandwich and South Georgia Islands 2016 - 13 operators, nasty weather Favorite HF bands: 160 and 80 meters You settled on a AA7A 4 Square antenna for receive. Here is Ned's presentation Low Band Receiving Antennas, on a city lot AA7A Links: AA7A Home Page DXUniversity International DX Convention, Visalia, California Waller Flag receive antenna Advice on achieving your projects: “Do them one after the other. Little tasks” Advice to new or returning hams: Keep the hobby relevant The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here. Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG. | AA7A at VP8STI AA7A Backyard EME Array on 2 Meters |