Episode 125 - Hans Summers - G0UPL

Hans Summers' Links:
Education: Imperial College, London, Physics Degree Imperial College Amateur Radio Club RSGB - Radio Society of Great Britain SPRAT - Official magazine of the G-QRP group First License: March 1994, Age 23, G0UPL Hans' Z-80 computer Project Hans' Nixie Tube project - uses 10 neon digits inside a glass tube First Rig: All home brew -
Current Rig: QRP Labs WSPR - QRSS/WSPR mode, 6 band transmitter kit. Career: software design for financial institutions G-QRP Club - founded by George Dobbs Favorite construction methods:
SA-602, NE602 Mixer Chip - designed as a 2nd IF mixer for early cellphones Hans' spectrum analyzer project QRSS - very very slow CW transmissions that takes advantage of a low SNR to copy CW messages with very low power. Often used for propagation beacons. Modes derived from QRSS is FSKCW and JT65 from Joe Taylor, K1JT - creator of JT65 and WSPRnet CW signal to noise ratio QRSS Software: Argo , Spectrum Lab WSPRnet Hans' QRSS Rigs use a microprocessor to do the message encoding. AVR Microprocessor Chip OCXO - temperature controlled crystal oscillator - only kit built OCXO in the World. AT cut crystal Ashhar Farhan VU2ESE - creator of the BitX transceiver Bitx20 Yahoo Group Most exciting - huge availability of components and information VE3KCL balloon launches using WSPR - the tracking logs for 16 balloon flights are on this website behind the QRP Labs website. Advice to new or returning hams: Build something The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here. Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG. |