Episode 040 - Joseph Moell - K0OV

First License: Novice, KN0OVV, 1958, Age 11, in Beatrice, Nebraska. Upgrade to Conditional License - General class license privileges and given to people who lived more than 75 miles from any FCC examination point. Ended in 1978 when all Conditionals because General Class. Upgrade to Extra: K0OV, 1976 Joe's father was KN0OVX. Elmer: Kenneth Frazer, K0KKJ (SK) First Club: Homesteader Amateur Radio Club First Rig: Hallicrafters S38D receiver, Heathkit DX60 Transmitter, and 15 meter dipole antenna Current Rig: Kenwood TS-2000 and Heathkit SB200 Amplifier Current Mobile Rig: Kenwood 742 triband transceiver. VHF, 220, UHF Favorite operating mode: FM on local repeaters Education: University of Nebraska - BSEE XYL: April Moell, WA6OPS - April was interviewed in Episode 22 of the QSO Today Podcast Transmitter Hunting and ARDF (Amateur Radio Direction Finding) Joe went on his first "T hunt" when he was an 11 year old novice, with his dad driving the family car. He used a Hallicrafters SX100 with the loop antenna from a AM table radio. He used a vibrator power supply to power the radio in the car. 1988 - Joe appointed first ARRL ARDF coordinator Transmitter Hunting Links:
Book: Transmitter Hunting - Radio Direction Finding Symplified, Joseph Moell and Tom Curlee. The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here. Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG. | Hallicrafters S38D Receiver Heathkit DX-60 Transmitter Kenwood TM742 Triband Mobile Radio 144/200/440 Loop antenna found on the back of old AM radios. This was similar to Joe's first direction finding antenna on his 80 meter transmitter hunt Homing in on the "fox" on a VHF transmitter hunt |