Episode 134 - Jeff Briggs - K1ZM

Boy Scouts Morse Code Merit Badge In 1957, Jeff built a crystal set to listen to WCBS and WNBC Gene Lombardi, W2KFA, invented and patented for Platformate put into Shell gasoline; chemical content to instant coffee. First License: July 1958, Novice, WV2CLQ, Brief history of the “WV” call signs Elmers:
Brothers in ham radio:
First Rig: Heathkit DX20 transmitter Knight Kit Space Spanner Patrick Briggs, KK6ZM (Jeff’s son) Biggest takeaway as ham in a foreign country: Culture, Food, and Travel ARRL International DX contest Current Rig:
Favorite operating mode: CW and SSB Favorite ham radio activity: DXCC on 160 and 6 Meters in the Summer Jeff’s book: DXing on the Edge - The Thrill of 160 Meters, by Jeff Briggs, K1ZM Stu Perry, W1BB - big 160 operator and writer for QST Magazine Drake R Line, included 160 meters Drake R390 Grayline propagation Bill Tippet, W4ZV Episode 70 160 Antennas for a small lot:
LG Washing Machines and Plasma TVs are a source of electronic noise heard in the 160 meter band DXPeditions: King Hussein, JY1 , Martti Lane, OH2BH Jeff’s super station, VY2ZM, on Prince Edward Island on the Canadian coast. Quadcopter visit of VY2ZM Sunspot Cycle 19 Advice to new or returning hams: Try it and stick to the one that makes the most sense to you. The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here. Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG. | Heathkit DX-20 Transmitter Knight Kit Space Spanner Yaesu FTDX-1000 Transceiver VY2ZM - Prince Edward Island |