Episode 064 - Jim Wilson - K5ND

First License: 1973, Conditional license, WB0JXY Commercial License: FCC First Class Radiotelephone License, 1969 First Rig:
First Elmer: Stan Sjol, W0KP Current Rigs:
Weaver Method of Single Side Band Authored:
K5ND Blogs and Websites: What Ever Happened to Heathkit, Lou Frenzel K5HS Frank Krizan Boy Scout Wireless Merit Badge, 1918 Boy Scout Radio Merit Badge, 1920 - 3 options: amateur radio, broadcast radios, shortwave listening K2BSA, 1971, allocated to BSA, at the National Scouting Headquarters. BSA Headquarters moved to Dallas in 1979. The call sign is activated at Scouting events around the USA. National Scouting Museum, Irving, TX Battleship Missouri, Pearl Harbor National Order of the Arrow National Scout Jamboree Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) - 1.3 million Scouts on the air, 11,500 stations in 2014 Memorandum of Understanding between the Boys Scouts of America and ARRL Icom America is an exclusive sponsor of JOTA BSA Interpreters Strip - Morse Code 5 wpm - spells out Morse in dots and dashes. 1200 strips awarded in 2014. BSA Amateur Radio Operator Rating Strip Scouting and Ham Radio — From Yesterday, Toward Tomorrow Advice to new and returning hams: Get connected to any resource that would help you. Reach out to people who will help. The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here. Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG. | Central Electronics 10B Hammarlund HQ-180 Receiver K5ND Ham Shack Elecraft K3 and Icom IC-910H World Scout JOTA-JOTI Team at their 2015 kick off meeting in Kuala Lumpur From right to left: Jim Wilson (USA), Hannu Rättö (Finland), Philip Bird (UK), Ali Al-Mamari (Oman), and Richard Middelkoop (Netherlands and Team Leader) |