Episode 155 - Rob Brownstein - K6RB
Sputnik - the USSR’s first telecommunications satellite Elmers:
First License: KN2UMU, Novice, 1958, Age 11 General upgrade 9 months later First Rig: Later upgrade: Hallicrafters S38E QTH: Laurelton, NY near Queens First Contact: KN0OUS in Liberal KS First DX Contact: G3MTW Israel is “4X land”, Also is 4Z land. First Holyland Amateur Radio Contest, 1973 Heathkit HW-100 15 meter delta loop Israeli call sign: K2UMU/4X Current Rig: Can operate SO2R, single operator, two radio
Vintage Station: Favorite operating mode: CW Rob is: Less contest oriented now Enjoys the short contests:
QRP Rig: Heathkit HW-8 CQP Strategy for Little Pistol Stations. California QSO Party (CQP) - popular contest. Little Pistol Stations - 100 watts and a wire Strategy - better to be making CQs, don’t search and pounce if you are in the state Rob was a journalist for:
Apple 2 Computer C82DX DXpedition to Mozambique in 2013 ARRL Book, Morse Code Operating for Amateur Radio, along with Jim Talens, N3JT CWOPS. Jim Talens, N3JT, Signal to Noise comparison CW, SSB, RTTY Fists CW Club Straight Key Century Club First Class CW Operators Club (FOC) 2017 Dayton Hamvention Technical Achievement award First Class Operators Club (FOC) 2015 Blue Plate Award CWOPS annual award Resources: Teaching Morse Code Using a Virtual Classroom Environment By: Rob Brownstein, K6RB; and Jack Ritter, W0UCE First Class CW Operators Club Musician Credits: Plays: Accordion, piano, bass guitar, drums Rio Frio, Santa Cruz - Rob on drums Most exciting about ham radio now: Ham radio is growing it its diversity. Advice to New hams: needs to be more emphasis HF explore everything Advice to Returning hams: sign up for CW academy The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here. Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG. | Johnson Viking Adventurer Transmitter ARC 5 Receiver on 80 meters Hallicrafters S-38E GC receiver Collins 75A4 GC receiver |