Episode 092 - Bob Epstein - K8IA
First SWL Radio: RCA 811K Floor radio First License: Age, 11, KN8HLR, Aug 1957 Greg Andracke, W2BEE Episode 90 Wife Sandy, N7RQ, does Single OP High Power, 15 Meters where she is #4 in the USA. First Rig: First Contest: Nov 1957, ARRL CW Sweepstakes Current Rigs: Multi-two contest station - two station, side by side, operating in different bands. Bob’s Station: Sandy's Station: Education: Wayne State University, BSEE, 1970 Mad River Radio Club, Founder CQ Worldwide WPX Contest N7AT - Arizona Outlaws Contest Club AOCC Roundup - Arizona Outlaws annual meeting ARRL Affiliated Club - find a club link Facebook as a contest resource Tamas Varro, HA9T in Hungary, loves contesting at age 17. VHF Sporadic E - not many openings in the Southwest of the USA Favorite online contest tools:
Favorite Contest: CQ World Wide CW Tools for contesting:
N7AT Arizona Outlaws Contest Club Logbook of the World (LOTW) N7AP - Butt Naked Contest Club official callsign Harley Davidson Motorcycles SO4R contest mode - single operator four radio RTTY is still popular as a contest mode N7IR QRP contest station - nationally ranked contest Force 12 Five Band Array The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here. Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG. | Heathkit DX-20 Novice Transmitter Hallicrafters S-40B General Coverage Receiver Elecraft K3 HF Transceiver K8IA & N7RQ Arizona Outlaws Contest Station |