Episode 402 - Geoffrey Mark - KM6TVJ
Geoffrey Mark, KM6TVJ, is one of the new kids on the block, a recent new amateur radio licensee. Geoffrey has some fresh ideas and our QSO around his career in the entertainment industry, a pilot, and “maker” caused me to think of some non-traditional ways that we hams can communicate. KM6TVJ is my QSO Today.
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Hometown: Chicago, Il
First License: KM6TVJ Elmers: Jay Simmons, K6RIY Michael Farrow, K1MIX Current Rig: Yaesu FT-2000 HF Transceiver Yaesu FT-991 All Band Portable Transceiver Favorite Mode: voice modes Terms Science Fiction 101 Electronics Kit TI 99-4A Computer Basic Computer Language PDP-11 Computer ADM3 Terminal USC, Classical Music Christopher Parkening, Guitar Player, USC Saturday Morning Cartoons, Production Assistant Television Producer Creative Producer Line Producer Associate Producer Executive Producer Hanna Barbera Fox’s Peter Pan and the Pirates Fred Wolf Films New Adventures of Speed Racer Post Production Supervisor Film Roman Post Production Computer Graphics Supervisor Morse Code Sci Fi Convention WebSDR W4EEY YouTube Amateur Radio Classes GLARG Testing Comicon Convention 3D Printing Paper Making Hobby Arduino Raspberry Pi Prepper San Fernando Amateur Radio Club W6SD ARRL Field Day Winter Field Day Whisper’s Game (like Telephone) Baofeng Portable Radio Block Chain Pay It Forward WinSystem Linked Repeaters Flying Goats Amateur Radio Net - need link Lulzbot Mini 3D Printer QIDI Tech Shadow 5S SLA Printer Isopropyl Alcohol Lightwave Software Maya Software STL Format Creality CR10 3D Printer Rebuilds Ham Radios: Jay Simons, K6RIY - need reference FT8 Mode, instant gratification Greatest challenge facing amateur radio now: small percentage of hams who are rude or unfriendly to new hams. Excited most by: meeting new people Advice to new or returning hams: Find a club; go be active. Start a net on your local repeater.
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Science Fair 100 in 1 Electronic Project Kit
QIDI Tech Shadow 5.5 3D Printer
Yaesu FT-2000 HF Transceiver
Yaesu FT-991 All Band Mobile Radio