Episode 074 - Don Greenbaum - N1DG
Don Greenbaum, N1DG, comes from a ham radio family and started in the hobby as an eleven year old Novice, over fifty years ago. A veteran of the some of the most challenging DXpeditions and co-founder of CW Ops organization, Don shares his insight and experience on amateur radio, with Eric, 4Z1UG, on this episode of QSO Today. |
First Elmer: Father, Fred Greenbaum, WA2UDV, brother and sister were also hams. First License: WN2DND, 1962 Age 11 Upgraded to General, December 1964 Awarded: DXCC 1964 First Rig:
Commodore KIM Board WB2DND Logbase Ashton Tate dBase 3 - popular relational database product in the 1980s. Current Rig: Amateur Logging Program - N4NW Emergency Broadcast System - used to send messages on commercial radio and television stations. Don Miller Expeditions DXpedition Buton 2000 DX Challenge Point Microlites DXpedition - VP8ORK - South Orkney Islands VK0IR, 1995 - first Dxpedition to get logs off the island over packet radio. DX Atlas Propagation Program Palmyra DXpedition Propagation Maps CQ DX Hall of Fame - Don Greenbaum, N1DG May 2006, awarded at Dayton Hamvention Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF) CW Operators Club - celebrates the Morse code. N3JT Forum CQ World Wide Contest - Yankee Clipper Contest Club. Operating on 6 Meter - band opens with E skip in June and July. For DX you need to operate CW. Inverted L on 160 meters Advice to new or returning hams to the hobby:
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