Episode 154 - Dave Le Duc - N1IX
Dave LeDuc, N1IX, like many of my guests got his ham radio start as a teenager in the sixties. His love for CW and chasing DX has not diminished over the years. His new passion is running QRP and winning contests. Dave shares his ham radio story and offers some advice for QRP success in this episode of QSO Today. |
First Elmers:
Home QTH: St. Albans, VT First License: 1963, Novice, KN1EPJ, Age 16 First Radio Club: Franklin County Amateur Radio Club, Vermont First Rig:
National Contest Journal Profile: Dave Le Duc, N1IX Radio man on a US submarine Submarine School, Groton, CT Polaris Nuclear submarine Radio Station NAA - Monroe Calculating Machine Company repairing mechanical calculators Compugraphic Corporation, Wilmington, MA. digital typesetters - final test technician Current Rig: Current QTH: Newton, NH Favorite operating mode? CW First contest: ARRL CW Contest Advice to new contest hams with 100 watts and a wire: Search and pounce - looking for DX stations to work. Treat 10, 15, 20 as one band. Sunspot cycle drives: JT65 Contest Elmer: Mark, K1RX, contest station CQ Worldwide DX Contest QRP Discovery: “you can work the World with 5 watts” QRP Foxhunt Excites Most about ham radio: new technology and SDR Advice to new and returning hams: Get on the air and make contacts DX entities: 330, Needs North Korea Yankee Clippers Contest Club The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here. Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG. | Heathkit DX60 Transmitter Hallicrafters S120 Receiver Elecraft KX3 Kenwood TS-590 |