Episode 011 - Wayne Burdick - N6KR
Electronics background: Love for electronics began around the age of six. Gutted old chassis for parts. Got a Radio Shack Science Fair Electronic Project Kit at an early age. First Licensed: 1971 Elmers: Richard E Leffler, WA6COE (SK) Roger Miller, (call sign unknown) (SK) both teachers at Parkway Junior High School, La Mesa, California, where they supervised the amatuer radio club on campus. First Radio Club: El Cajon Amateur Radio Club Call Signs: WN6HQH, WA6HQH, N6KR First Rig: Heathkit DX-20 transmitter and Hallicrafters S38D receiver into a tri-band beam Favorite Mode: QRP CW in the back country on a battery and a random wire Favorite Ham Radio Activities: DX, Home brew and build equipment, Field Day, and backpacker HF Member #3 of the Norcal QRP Club Wayne is an author of Ham Radio Poetry: click here In 2011, there was talk of resurrecting Heathkit, our favorite boyhood electronic kit company. Wayne's response on the subject as the CTO of Elecraft Wayne's Desoldering Primer Degree from UCSD in Cognitive Science Favorite Drawing Software: SketchUp Creator of these transceivers: Safari-4 Norcal 40A Norcal Sierra Wilderness SST As co-founder and CTO of Elecraft, Wayne was the principal designer of these rigs: K1 - compact 4 band 5 watt CW transceiver K2 - all mode 5 band 15 watt transceiver K3 - 160 - 2 meter high performace 100 watt transceiver KX1 - ultra-portable 4 band QRP CW transceiver KX3 - ultraportable, all band, all mode QRP transceiver with built-in automatic antenna tuner | Radio Shack Science Fair Electronic Organ Kit Heathkit DX-20 Transmitter Norcal 40 Wilderness Sierra Elecraft KX3 - For many, the ultimate portable QRP rig |