Episode 060 - Pete Juliano - N6QW
Maybe the ultimate home-brew project is to build the modern “KWM4” based on the Collins KWM2, then soup it up, like a hotrod, with an Arduino microprocessor, a digital synthesizer, and a digital display. This was and is Pete Juliano, N6QW’s dream rig. Pete joins Eric, 4Z1UG, for a conversation on homebrewing, construction technique, and ham radio on QSO Today. |
Pete’s crystal set, started with a cat’s whisker. He later used a Philmore Company detector,. First License: 1959, Age 17 - Two callsigns at the same time: Novice KN3IXU, Technician K3IXU Upgrade to General two months later at FCC Pittsburgh, PA Field Office Raytheon CK722 transistor First Rig:
Cosmoline - a rust inhibitor Later Rigs:
Sputnik was an inspiration for many people to pursue math and science. Family Life: “balance is really important” QRP Quarterly Magazine SolderSmoke Podcast - ham radio home brewers podcast with Bill Meara, N2CQR, and Pete Juliano, N6QR. KWM4 - is Pete's home-brew multi-band transceiver based on the Collins KWM2, souped up with modern computer technology. QRP Quarterly “ Let's Build Something” - how to build a transceiver from scratch. Adafruit DDS board xlock frequency stabilizer Almost All Digital Electronics. - Neil Hecht passed away in August. The company is on hold. W1REX ME PADS - pads that look like the Manhattan building method. You can see a good use of them here. XY Slide milling and drilling table mentioned in the podcast Gsimple program - a free CAD program makes a G code Bill Meara’s, N2CQR, Digital Transceiver Let's Build Something SSB Transceiver Project N4TRB Amateur Radio Website K5BCQ Kit AK2B Tom Hall Pete's Websites: Extended Double Zepp Antenna The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here. Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG. | 6V6 Transmitter kit Courtesy of Pastime Projects Hallicrafters SX99 Receiver Home-brew with N6QW |