Episode 135 - Bob Wilson - N6TV

Special Thanks to Bob Norberg, K6BZM, for cleaning up the audio on this episode. 3 tube regenerative receiver Army Signal Corp ARRL Ham Radio License Manual First License: 1972, Novice, WN6TLV First Rig: Elmers:
West Valley Amateur Radio Club, WA6LXN First Contest: Novice Roundup Education: UC Berkeley Computer Science, BA computer science Dan Levin, K6IF, worked for Replay TV, company similar to TiVo Northern California Contest Club Northern California DX Club Bob likes the adrenaline rush from contesting Rick Niswander, WA1PID, now K7GM Contest Editor 1975 Favorite Contests: North American Sprint 4 hours Favorite operating mode: CW Current Rig:
Alex VE3NEA software engineer - maker of CW Skimmer W7RN Contest Station Elecraft P3 Panadapter, Option: P3SVGA Amateur Radio Parity Act 2017 Favorite hamfest or convention: Visalia DX convention Dayton Hamvention, 2nd place To improve CW speed, join the National Traffic System DXCC Award Contest University - Usually the day before the Dayton Hamvention Contest Academy - at the International DX Convention Martti Laine, OH2BH interview with N6PSE Tim Duffy Dayton Hamvention Contest Track Most excited by: Auroral Oval Pixel Loop Antenna Advice to new or returning hams:
WRTC - World Radiosport Team Championship Goodwill Games, Seattle | Heathkit HW-16 Novice Transceiver Elecraft K3 HF Transceiver Perseus SDR Receiver |