Episode 111 - Tom Vinson - NY0V
Ham radio jump-start: 8th grade shop industrial education - kits with component modules. First Elmer: Don Thomas, W9HSD, now W0PEA. Don had a Heathkit Apache, Mohawk, Amplifier, and SB10 sideband adapter Toms' father was high speed code operator during WW2 First License: WN9YZN, 1967, Champagne, Illinois. Other call signs: WA9YZN, WB0OKQ, G0WVI, and NY0V First Rig:
Current Rig: Favorite Ham Radio Activities:
Tom uses Writelog Contest logging software First Field Day Station: Collins S Line First Job: Collins Radio working KWM-2A, S-Line Southern Illinois University in the early seventies. Collins Radio Company Collins Amateur Radio Club B29 Radio project - Collins ARC members restored the radios on board “Fifi” was ARC5 and ART13 autotuner Jules Yoder, KW0Y: expert who repaired the ART-13 from experience during the Berlin Airlift FIFI B29 - restored B29 bomber with Collins radios on board. Amelia Earhart’s Lockheed Electra L10E Dan Roesler, WD0HOJ Coast Guard Cutter Itasca Western Electric 13A 50 watt AM transmitter Beach 18 Tricycle gear - similar antenna configuration to the Lockheed L10E Pima Air and Space Museum W0CXX - Art Collins old call now Collins Radio Club Looking for Amelia Woodstock School, India STEM - Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics Nauticos Corporation, CEO: Dave Jourdan, author of a number of books on the company’s deep sea discoveries: Dakar Submarine Nauticos Books:
ARINC Air/Ground system Rockwell Collins VP5S 2013 - DXpedition, led by K0MD Working the Grayline “One call the DX station” Shared apex receive antenna preamps K9AY receive antenna Pictures: http://w0cxx.org/b-29/TankerRally.jpg The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here. Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG. | Heathkit Apache Transmitter Lafayette HA-350 General Coverage Receiver Yaesu FT-2000 Transceiver Restored radios in the B29 "Fifi" |