Episode 088 - Tom Gallagher - NY2RF
Franklin Institute, Philadelphia ham radio station Collins S-Line Transmitter and Receiver combination First Radio Elmer: Dell Dengate, Chief Engineer, of “WIP” Radio First License: Bryn Mawr, PA, 1966, WA3GRF, later changed to N4GRF 6 meter AM First Rig:
Current Rig:
Linksys Router Resources for Mesh Networking: WGBH Broadcast Station Wharton School of Business ARRL - American Radio Relay League Palm Beach Science Center - South Florida Science Center Michigan Mighty Mite - QRP transmitter Spectrum Defense Fund West Palm Beach Amateur RAdio Club The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here. Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG. | Drake L-4B Linear Amplifier Linksys WRT54GL Router Used for Mesh Networking Michigan Mighty Mite CW Transmitter_ |