Episode 084 - Peter Parker - VK3YE
The local city dump was the source of parts for Peter Parker, VK3YE's first ham radio projects. This humble beginning made Peter one of the most prolific contributors of videos and articles on the art of amateur radio. Peter builds his own gear, operates QRP from the local beach, and gives valuable advice on how to be a successful operator. VK3YE is 4Z1UG's guest on QSO Today. |
First Interest in Electronics: Age 7, batteries, lights, crystal set. Dick Smith, Fun Way Into Electronics book series First License: Age 13, 1985, Novice Class, VK6NNN Wireless institute of Australia cw practice First Rig:
Tropospheric Ducting, 2 meter University of Western Australia, Professor. David Blair Dick Smith Electronics CYMATICS: Science Vs. Music - Nigel Stanford - YouTube Channel Drew Diamond, VK3XU, Author Amateur Radio Magazine, Novice Notes, 1988. Sprat Quarterly Magazine on QRP Foundation Guides to Amateur Radio Bands Ceramic resonators Earl William “Madman” Muntz - inventor of the 8 track stereo player Magnetic loop antenna MDT transceiver Kit QRP - overall station efficiency, low current consumption. Sony SRF59 short wave receiver - high performance and low current consumption Bitx 40 meter transceiver VK5EME Mini Kits - Australian kit electronic kit builder Beach 40 Transceiver SOTA - Summits on the Air 1000 Miles Per Watt QRP Award The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here. Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG. | AM Car Radio Conversion to HF Bands_ Beach 40 _DSB 40 meter transceiver BITX 40 Meter SSB Transceiver_ 80 meter superhetrodyne receiver |