Episode 087 - Ashhar Farhan - VU2ESE
When it comes to home brew single side-band transceivers and test equipment, Ashhar Farhan, VU2ESE, is the master of building amateur radio equipment on a budget, with common parts. Ashhar is the designer of the BITX "open source" HF SSB transceiver, and has an international reputation as a home brewer, and is referred to as the “home brew hero” by Bill Meara, N2CQR, of the Soldersmoke podcast. Ashhar Farhan is Eric, 4Z1UG's guest on QSO Today. |
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Book recommendations:
India Amateur Radio License First Project: FET oscillator on 7 Mhz. Hartley Oscillator First License: Age 14, 1982, VU2FAX Indian Amateur Radio Licenses: 3 Grades of License First Rig:
¼ wave of wire at any length has the same impedance at each end. Elmer: Arun Kumar, VU2OZ - instrumental in aiding Ashhar India’s first satellite - Aryabhata, 1975 “Morning QTH” - place of work or employment Lamakaan Cultural Center - a cultural center started and managed by Ashhar. Ugly electronic construction method The Homebrewer’s Lab - Asshar’s white paper on his labs. The Ugly American - by William Burdick, Eugene Lederer - a book about the American Diplomatic Corp presented itself abroad. The Ugly Weekender - by Wes Hayward, Drake Hayward Roy Lewallen, W7EL - author of the EZNEC antenna modeling software and home brewer Variable capacitors from Xtal Set Society HP Friedrichs, AC7ZL - builder extraordinaire Ashhar’s Spectrum Analyzer Building Linear Amplifiers, by Rick Campbell, QST Soldersmoke Podcast - with Bill, N2CQR, and Pete, N6QW BITX20 Transceiver - designed by Ashhar Farhan, VU2ESE BITX kits Minima Transceiver Yaesu FT-817ND KISS Mixer Milton Keys Amateur Radio Society 80 meter transceiver based on BITX 2N7000 Transistor New project: HF One Double Conversion Transceiver, VU2ESE Guru and disciple - the relationship between teacher and pupil VUSDR - software defined radio - Indian radio “stack” Advice to new or returning hams: build small primitive radios WebSDR - group of Internet connected SDR receivers around the World ![]()
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