Episode 061 - Phil Anderson - W0XI
Phil Anderson, WOXI, founded Kantronics in 1971 to build wiring harnesses for automobiles. The company morphed over time to become one of the premier manufacturers of terminal node controllers or TNCs for amateur packet radio. Now retired, Phil is as active as ever pursuing new avenues in ham radio. Phil joins Eric, 4Z1UG, in this episode of QSO Today |
Hometown: Lawrence, Kansas First License: Novice, 1955, KNØHSB First Rig:
Later Rig: Heathkit HW7 Sputnik accelerated interest in math and science in the USA Played violin and chello through college Education: Kantronics formed in 1971 by Phil and Elmer: W0AR - Lee Berger, elmer in Kansas City and suggest the building of a CW code reader called “Field Day”. Motorola 6502 processor “The Interface” - first packet “TNC” or terminal node controller. Firmware was computer specific. Later evolution would allow ASCII terminal programs to allow all computers to talk to the TNC. First appeared at the Chicago Hamfest. Commodore 64 Apple 2E KPC-1 - “Kantronics Packet Controller” Kantronics invented protocol GTor added Golay error correction to raise the baud rate. G-TOR - or Golay-TOR, invented by Kantronics as a HF digital mode with a dramatically increased speed and reliability. Auxillary Rig: Yaesu FT-450D Favorite Operating Mode: CW, now on SSB Current Rig:
RufZ CW practice SO2V - single operator two VFO operation Xtal Set Society - Phil’s family business that supplies crystal set parts and kits for educational purposes. As a part of this Phil has designed all of the radio kits sold on the site. CWT Contests and CW Operators Club - have a 1 hour contest every week. Beverage Antenna - basics of how to build a Beverage antenna. 8 Day Contest Calendar The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here. Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG. | Collins 75A4 Receiver Commodore 64 Computer Vintage 1982 Phil's Spider Crystal Set Kit |