Episode 133 - Paul Topolski - W1SEX
Resources: Motorola Motrac Mobile Radio - 1960 trunk mount mobile radio Adam 12 Police Show Early equipment: Knight Kit Star Roamer Realistic DX 150 Q-multiplier for Star Roamer for SSB ARATS - Amateur Radio Association of the Tonawandas, W2SEX Elmers:
Columbus McKinnon Company First Rigs: Heathkit HW-101 Kenwood TM-2530A Current Rigs:
Favorite operating modes: SSB and RTTY Favorite contest: January ARRL RTTY Contest Gardner Civil Defense Agency Cold War - the state of military tension between the USA and the former Soviet Union after WW2. CERT - (Community Emergency Response Team) helped to revise RACES Homeland Security CERT Program Winlink System - global HF email system Boston Marathon, 2013, terrorist attack "Ham radio is a social hobby", W1SEX Burgess Batteries Dry Cell Kit W1SEX’s favorite lab instrument:
10 Dollar Test Bench - from the You Tube channel, "The Radio Mechanic" Most excited by: Innovation in digital communication in HF including JT65, and Icom’s new IC-7300. Advice to new and returning hams: Find a good amateur radio club The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here. Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG. | Motorola Motrac Control Head with Siren and PA accessory Knight Kit Star Roamer Realistic DX-150 Receiver Kenwood TM-2970A Two Meter Transceiver |