Episode - 090 - Gregory Andracke - W2BEE
Gregory Andracke, W2BEE, is an accomplished news cameraman and documentary cinematographer, with Academy and Emmy awards to his credit. He is also an accomplished amateur radio operator, with over fifty years in the hobby. His love for ham radio is as strong as it ever was. Greg joins Eric, 4Z1UG, in this QSO Today. |
Gregory Andracke Website Radio Moscow - was in the 40 meter band in the 1950s. National NC100 A receiver with antenna outside NSS code transmissions First License: Age 13, 1956, KN8DCP Novice Previous call signs: ex-K8DCP, W2HRX, P29VGA, T30GA, V63BO, 8P9BX, H44/W2HRX, J3/W2HRX, V7/W2HRX, VP2V/W2HRX, VP5/W2BEE 2015 - J38GA, Grenada First Rig: National NC-100 Receiver
First Elmer: Adam Andracke, WA8AED, Greg’s father Dutch Elm Disease - in Detroit Current rig: Favorite Operating Mode: CW W9FAM - used to operate at 50 to 60 words per minute Jim Ricks, W9TO creator of the Hallicrafters HA1 “TO” keyer Southern Berkshire Amateur Radio Club Field Day FISTS CW Club - Greg is member number 13085 Wayne State University - Started as an engineer, then moved to Mass Communication with minor in Psychology. Ansel Adams Photography KYW-TV - was a newsreel cameraman NBC News News Center Four Gordon Willis, Cinematographer CBS 60 Minutes, Afghanistan, 2009, IEDs The Pacific War, CBS Travel Rig: Yaesu FT-890 Log Book of the World (LBOTW) - ARRL’s on-line log book Club Log- logging Software Reverse Beacon Network. Butternut Antenna HF6V Sloper Antenna with 9:1 unun 30 Meter Delta Loop “Drake Line” - R-4B Receiver and T-4XB Transmitter Ten-Tec Omni Transceiver Yaesu FT-890 Rig Blaster - PC to rig interface FL Digi - digital mode PC software Olivia, Contessa, Feld Hell - HF digital modes RTTY - radio teletype Mao’s Last Dancer - autobiography Joe Taylor - JT65 ARRL Sweepstakes Contest Searching for Suger man, Sexto Rodriguez - documentary recorded on cell phone The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here. Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG. | National NC-100 Receiver Eico 720 Transmitter Greg's home-brew keyer paddle made from two J38 straight keys Elecraft K2 Transceiver |