Episode 002 - Bob Greenberg - W2CYK
Bob likes and is active in most of ham radios operating modes. He combines ham radio with scuba diving trips to create "DXpeditions" with his son, Jesse, W2EEO.
First licensed in 1976 at the age of 13
Elmer: Art Greenberg (SK) , W2CYK, 2AMW, W2LH (Bob's grandfather)
Art liked to fix radios in his home workshop and published an article on a 5 Band Trap Dipole in QST Magazine, October 1956.
First rig was the Drake TR4
Current rig is Kenwood TS-2000
Favorite operating mode is HF SSB from his car
Advice to new or returning hams: Consider carefully what your first rig should be. A cheap Chinese handheld radio will not offer good contacts without some expertise. Go for a 100 watt HF mobile radio to start, either in the car or as a base station. It will yield good and distant contacts with little effort.
- RFinder - Bob's repeater directory app
- Bob's YouTube Channel where he has demonstrations of the various uses of RFinder and the Raspbery Pi interface to a mobile radio.
Amateur Radio Clubs
- Peconic Radio Club
- LIMARC - Long Island Mobile Amateur Radio Club