Episode 012 - Wayne, W6IRD, & Sharon, K6IRD, Spring
Wayne's Ham Radio Facts First Licensed: 1949 as W6IRD Elmer: Max Anders, W6AQL First Rigs: Home Brew Transmitter Halicrafter Receiver Wayne is an expert on the restoration of Collins radio equipment. Here is a website with pictures of Wayne at work in his shop. Click Here Advice on Radio Restoration:
Awards: WAZ 355 countries confirmed Clubs: Southern California DX Club - current president Collins Collectors Association Advice to new or returning hams: buy an entry level radio with modest antenna Sharon's Ham Radio Facts First licensed: 2004 Station Rig: Yaesu FT1000 Awards: DXCC 20 Meters DXCC 15 Meters Close to DXCC for both 17 and 10 Meters WAS WAZ Clubs: Southern California DX Club - former President W6AMI Western AM Club - Net control station on the third Wednesday of every month HAM Nation Interview - Episode 28 | Wayne's AM Station T-368 AM Transmitter on the floor,left Sharon's DX Station Multi-band Beams and Wire Antennas Collins 75A1 Receiver |