Episode 068 - Don Huff - W6JL
W6JL Resources:
Montgomery Wards crystal set National Radio Institute early radio repair course 1 tube grid leak detector J38 key with code practice oscillator First License: Novice, KN6KDE, March 1955, Age 15 Class B Modulator First Rig:
HO Gauge Trains - Harry Wiess Mentor from "Cal-Mag": Beverly Friedendahl Education: Cal Poly Pomona, BSEE The Basics of Transformers Hewlett Packard, San Diego Hewlett Packard, Loveland, Colorado Quote attributed to Dr. Seuss on Don’s QRZ Page "Be who you are and say what you feel.... Because those who matter, don't mind. And those who mind, don't matter." Current and only operating mode: CW Current rig: Link to current rig design DDS - Direct Digital Synthesizer AA0ZZ pic programmer Tayloe detector - or quadrature sample detector Ring Diode Mixer Harbor Freight Full QSK Solderless Breadboard Arduino Controller DDS Synthesizer AD9850 Board Express PC Boards Software Photoresist circuit board - how to build a printed circuit board
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