Episode 493 - Jonathan Kramer - W6JLK
Dr. Jonathan Kramer W6JLK, transitioned into becoming an communications law attorney after a successful career in cable television engineering in a addition to his amateur radio activities. Kramer W6JLK stressed that amateurs should be very active in local government as a way to advocate for antenna and tower rights, especially in areas of strong HOA controls. W6JLK and I discuss the first Motorola simulcast radio system in Kern County, California, and his use of AREDN and portable radios for integrating ham radio with public service.
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Jonathan Kramer’s Corporate Law Website
First License: 1970, Novice QSO Today Summary: The QSO between Eric Guth 4Z1UG and Jonathan Kramer W6JLK delved into various topics related to amateur radio. They discussed the importance of hands-on education in high schools, emphasizing the value of shop classes including auto, wood, and metal shop. Xilen Foxlin was mentioned as an influential young figure promoting DIY projects and inspiring young people in STEM fields. They debated the misconception that STEM is only for college-bound students, advocating for earlier exposure to encourage interest. Jonathan shared his transition from cable television engineering to communications law and stressed the importance of amateurs advocating for antenna rights in local government. The participants discussed the societal importance of hands-on technical education, addressing the diminishing opportunities in high schools. Conversations at the meeting extended to topics like AREDN networking and emergency preparedness among amateur radio operators. They highlighted challenges faced by communities in accessing AREDN due to geographical limitations. |
Click on Image for Simulcast Explanation
VIC 20 Computer
Motorola Modat Control Head
Yaesu FTDX-560 HF Transceiver
They discussed emergency preparedness programs utilizing technologies like drones and ARDEN networks. Their reflections stressed the significance of enjoyable experiences within amateur radio to attract newcomers, highlighting the role of influencers within the community in inspiring interest and participation.
QSO Outline:
- Chapter 1: Introduction and Background (00:16 - 03:55)
- 00:16: Introduction to the QSO Today podcast and the importance of listener sponsorship.
- 01:18: The podcast aims to showcase the diversity and dynamism of the amateur radio hobby.
- 03:50: Jonathan is introduced as a guest, prompting the question about his ham radio story.
- Chapter 2: Jonathan's Ham Radio Journey (02:29 - 09:51)
- 02:29: Jonathan introduces himself as W6JLK and is asked about the beginning of his ham radio story.
- 07:36: Jonathan shares how he convinced the admissions officer at California State University at Northridge to allow him to join a program because of his ham radio license. .
- 09:51: Jonathan mentions his hiring by Motorola area F program management and working on various projects including the first county wide simulcast system.
- Chapter 3: Working on Fascinating Projects (09:51 - 14:19)
- 09:51: Jonathan explains his work on fascinating projects after being hired by Motorola
- 11:16: Mention of the specific work done with ring microwaves and phased audio in the late 70s.
- 14:16: Challenges faced in covering the first system and the complexity of simulcast.
- Chapter 4: Simulcast and Technical Challenges (14:19 - 17:16)
- 14:19: An explanation of simulcast and the need for synchronized transmitters.
- 16:35: Mention of Pagenet and Skytel as examples of systems that utilized simulcast.
- 17:16: Transition to the next topic.
- Chapter 5: Transition to Chief Technical Officer (18:09 - 20:55)
- 18:09: Jonathan's transition to the role of Chief Technical Officer (CTO).
- 19:49: Discussion about the straightforward nature of the role from a technical standpoint.
- 20:55: Jonathan's inquiry about the budget for buying new connectors.
- Chapter 6: Involvement in National Organizations (34:16 - 37:25)
- 34:16: Jonathan's involvement in representing national organizations in the late 80s.
- 36:59: Mention of the FCC's recognition of inadequate technical specifications for cable TV.
- 37:25: Jonathan's mention of being signed up for a meeting at a local law school.
- Chapter 7: Engagement with Local Government (44:18 - 48:51)
- 44:18: Discussion about the importance of engaging local government officials in discussions about cable TV.
- 49:26: Question about local government and the definition of terms related to policy and engagement.
- Chapter 8: Importance of STEM Education (1:00:59 - 1:03:30)
- 1:00:59: Discussion about the importance of STEM education for young people.
- 1:02:12: Explanation of STEM as Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.
- 1:03:02: Jonathan's thoughts on making STEM education relevant and engaging.
- Chapter 9: The Role of Thought Leaders (1:06:18 - 1:08:40)
- 1:06:18: Importance of thought leaders who are infatuated with their hobbies or areas of expertise.
- 1:08:18: Mention of AREDN and its potential overlap with the interests of young people.
- 1:08:40: Discussion about the importance of nurturing thought leaders within the amateur radio community.
- Chapter 10: Engaging with Local Government for Emergency Communications (1:12:11 - 1:15:36)
- 1:12:11: Highlighting the importance of engaging with the local government for emergency communications.
- 1:12:59: Using Culver City as an example of engaging with local government officials.
- 1:15:36: Importance of having people who are knowledgeable about technology involved in emergency communications.
- Chapter 11: Closing Thoughts and Reflections (1:19:27 - 1:20:57)
- 1:19:27: Reflection on the conversation and its impact on remembering past experiences.
- 1:20:01: Conclusion and gratitude for the opportunity to share insights and memories.
- 1:20:31: Information about show notes, sponsorships, and ways to support the QSO Today podcast.
- Eric 4Z1UG - Become a monthly listener sponsor (00:26)
- Jonathan, W6JLK -
- Advocate for antenna and tower rights in areas of strong HOA controls (01:57)
- Be active in local government as a way to advocate for antenna and tower rights (01:57)
- Get more involved in local government to support amateur radio (1:02:56)
- Reach out and expose amateur radio to young people (1:07:58)
- Find something in amateur radio that interests you and dig into it (1:18:25)
K6CXI Hamilton High School
Mark Abrams, WA6DPB
Crystal Radio
1N34 Diode
California State University Northridge
LA Trade Tech
Motorola Communications, Inc.
PDP11 Computer
Motorola Modat
Simulcast History and Technology
General Electric Mobile Radio
EF Johnson Mobile Radio
Motorola Micor Control Head
Kern County, California
Simulcast Frequency Lock
Skytel Paging
General Telephone, Santa Monica
Warner Cable History
2nd Class Radio Telephone
1st Class Radio Telephone
Saddle Peak, Malibu
Storer Cable
VIC20 Computer
South Orange County Amateur Radio Association
ARRL National Convention
National Association of Cable Television
Playboy versus the United States
FCC Section 505
TAPR Board
6L6 Novice Transmitter
Yaesu FTDX 560 HF Transceiver
ARES - Amateur Radio Emergency Service
Culver City
FCC PRB1 Amateur Antenna Law
FCC Permit Fee
HOA - HomeOwners Association
Society of Cable Television Engineers
Xilen Foxlin
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