Episode 123 - Jim Veatch - WA2EUJ

First Elmer: Grandfather, Jim Veatch, W4CJJ, later W4XE Hall of Science Amateur Radio Club, Queens, NY First License: Novice, WN2EUJ, 1976, Age 12 Elmers: Bill Roth, WA2PVVV Golden Screwdriver Award from Sullivan County Amateur Radio Club First Rig:
George Washington University Radio Row, New York City Current Rigs:
Atlas Radio Company Favorite operating modes: HF SSB and CW Aeronautical Radio Incorporated - division of Rockwell Collins ARRL Handbook Arduino - Jim’s preferred choice of project microprocessor Arduino library functions SI5351 Synthesizer Analog Devices AD8307 to build wattmeter ARRL Homebrew Challenge -Jim won three out of three:
Flea Market Special - an old radio or electronic chassis that can be repurposed into something else. Hobby PCB - vendor for Jim's latest projects including the Hardrock 50 watt amplifier HobbyPCB You-Tube Channel RS-HFIQ SDR Transceiver Kickstarter Campaign Softrock Transceiver Tony Parks, KB9YIG, Founder of Softrock Arduino Nano Pick and Place Machine How to do a KickStarter Campaign Dave Miller, STM32 SDR, Motorola chip and touch screen to work with RFSHIQ Dave Miller STM32 SDR HDSDR freeware Omnirig - radio controls Gnu Radio - open source radio software for SDR Powersdr Software Arduinio Teency FIR Filters for DSP Hackaday Project Instructable Project What Excites Jim most: proliferation of Digital applications - EME using smaller antennas and JT65 Advice to new or returning hams: Be open minded to all of the possibilities, but you will talk to someone else. The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here. Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG. | Cubic 100MX Transceiver Jim's TAK-40 SSB/CW Transceiver Jim's Hardrock 50 HF Power Amplifier Jim's DSP-610 HF Homebrew Transceiver |