Episode 067 - Nick Kennedy - WA5BDU

First Elmer: K5IVT, Father Andrew Wewer Highway Patrol, Broderick Crawford First License: Novice, Jan 1962, WN5BDU First Rig: Later:
National Traffic System Education: University Arkansas at Fayetteville, BSEE Current Rigs: CW Resources WA5BDU on the Web:
Dan Tayloe detector - quadrature output used on SoftRock receivers. Don Huff, W6JL - mentioned in the podcast and will be a guest in episode 68. Construction Method: Manhattan Style - you can just jump in and start. Now using: Chuck Adams Muppet Style 2N2/40 Transceiver Nick’s minimum test bench for home brewing:
LT Spice - software to simulate electronic circuits and analyze them Bill Meara, N2CQR, in episode 40 of the QSO Today podcast AT&T Towers - originally for AT&T long lines, now abandoned by AT&T. Map of AT&TLonglines Sites American Tower is responsible for getting rid of 20,000 Longlines microwave sites. Some electronic parts suppliers: Antenna Replacement Story Antenna Hazer - antenna elevator that wraps around the tower to allow working on the antenna at ground level. The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here. Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG. | The K5IVT 1 Tube Transmitter on 40 meters WA5BDU, Age 12, at his first rig Upgraded WA5BDU Station, Circa 1969 Hallicrafters HT-40 Transmitter and Hallicrafters SX-111 |