Episode 129 - David White - WN5Y

David White, WN5Y site: Amateur Receivers First License: 1961, Novice, Age 16, KN5MLH Hometown: Pampa, TX Pampa Amateur Radio Club Oscar 1 Satellite Conditional Amateur Radio License Elmers: John Keene, W5GXK Bill Hawkins, W5BCK Lew McCoy, W1ICP Perry Sikes, W7CDC Drake 2B receiver was called “poor man's Collins” Hawkins Communications, Bill Hawkins, W5BCK Novice 50 watt transmitter 6146 oscillator 6U8 Regenerative Receiver QST May 1955. BC348 Receiver 66 Oscillator in a coffee can transmitter - link my require ARRL membership Eico 720 transmitter kit, Clamp tube Lafayette KT200 receiver kit, first import from Japan Current rig:
Favorite operating mode: CW, phone is boring Education: Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, Business Management Degree Iambic Keyer Dallas Lamplighter School David inspired by: Wes Hayward, W7ZOI, 2nd Generation Mosfet Receiver Hammarlund 140X receiver Vacker VFO Huff and Puff Stabilizer DDS VFO with transceive function WA2EBYAmplifier Revisited - IRF510 amplifier 1N914 diode as TR switch WA1FFL DDS VFO Dead Bug construction method WN5Y Test Equipment:
Most excited by:
Advice to new or returning hams: Go home-brew Parts Suppliers: Microchip MP-LAB IDE development system The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here. Please join our QSO Today community by pressing the button below. It is the best way to suggest guests and topics, and provide feedback to Eric, 4Z1UG. | Coffee Can Transmitter Lafayette KT200 General Coverage Receiver First prototype - Electroluminescent Receiver Blue Lightning Transceiver Prototype |