Transcript - Episode 126 - Brooke Allen - N2BA
Eric 4Z1UG: QSO Today episode 127, Brooke Allen N2BA.
Welcome to the QSO Today podcast I’m Eric Guth, 4Z1UG, your host. While these interviews are not time bound or time sensitive, this is the first QSO Today episode in 2017, and now for something completely different. My QSO Today is with Brooke Allen Brooke, N2BA, who wrote a series of articles for the National Contest Journal about gamifying ham radio for contesters. As you will hear in this almost two-hour episode, we really leave the traditional QSO Today format to discuss Brooke's philosophy and outlook to change our own view of ourselves as ham radio operators and to rebuild our ranks with younger people based on this new perspective. This conversation caused me to pause and look at what amateur radio means to me. I hope that it does for you.
Eric 4Z1UG: N2BA, this is Eric 4Z1UG. Are you there Brooke?
Brooke N2BA: Yes, 4Z1UG, N2BA, I copy you 59.