Episode 243 - Bob Sumption - W9RAS
Eric, 4Z1UG:
QSO Today episode 243, Bob Sumption, W9RAS. This episode of QSO Today is sponsored by Icom America, makers of the finest HF, VHF, and UHF transceivers for the radio amateur. Icom is excited to announce the new IC-9700 VHF/UHF and 1200 megahertz all mode transceiver. More on this later, and by QRP Labs Hans Summers, G0UPL's kit company, and the creators of many fine radio kits, including the popular QCX transceiver kit. Please support the QSO Today podcast by supporting these fine sponsors. Links to both are on this week's show notes page.
Welcome to the QSO Today podcast. I'm Eric Guth, 4Z1UG, your host. My QSO Today is with Bob Sumption, W9RAS, who was raised on Popular Electronics and Popular Mechanics magazines, learned how to fix anything from his father, and finally became a ham radio operator in the '50s. Bob was an electronics technician at Heathkit, who assembled the first and only prototype SS9000 synthesized HF amateur radio transceiver. Bob is a consummate, long-term big project builder who shares his success, knowledge, expertise, and history with us in this episode of QSO Today.
W9RAS, this is Eric, 4Z1UG. Are you there, Bob?