Episode 344 - Robert Zavrel - W7SX
Eric, 4Z1UG 0:00
QSO Today Episode 344 Robert Zavrel, W7SX.
This episode of QSO Today is sponsored by Icom America, makers of the finest HF, VHF and UHF transceivers and accessories for the radio amateur, reminding you to check out their new IC 705 all band portable transceiver now shipping from your favorite amateur radio dealer. My thanks to Icom America for their continued support of the QSO Today podcast.
Welcome to the QSO Today podcast I'm Eric Guth 4Z1UG your host
Robert (Bob) Zavrel made an outstanding presentation during the expo weekend that ended up on Zoom with a limited audience able to follow him off the expo platform. However, we captured it and put it up in the expo auditorium. Be sure to watch Introduction to Antenna Aperture by Robert Zavrel, W7SX.
When it comes to understanding how antennas really work, then the go to guy is Bob, W7SX, author of the ARRL book, Antenna Physics, an introduction. Through this book, Bob bridges the gap between how to antenna books and calculus based antenna theory books for engineers. Bob has a long resume in radio and electronics is the accidental creator of the Signetics NE602 mixer chip. Bob was my guest in this interview over 200 episodes ago and shares his story in this replay in this QSO Today.