Episode 192 - Fred Cady (SK) - KE7X
Eric Guth: Welcome to the QSO Today podcast. I'm Eric Guth 4Z1UG, your host. Fred Cady KE7X took his love of radio and electronics as far as he could go, and that was to a PhD in electronic engineering, where he settled into teaching at Montana State University. Now retired, Fred is the author of 14 books on using and operating the Elecraft Transceivers and accessories. Fred is also an avid contest operator and DXer. We will dig into this and more on this QSO Today. KE7X, this is Eric 4Z1UG. Are you there, Fred?
Fred Cady: 4Z1UG, this is KE7X. Good morning, Eric.
Eric Guth: Good morning, Fred. Thanks for joining me on the QSO Today podcast. Can we start at the beginning of your ham radio story? When and how did it start for you?
Fred Cady: Well, it started when I was in high school. About 1958ish, '59ish, '59ish probably more likely. And one of my classmates got his license, and then I had a receiver. My dad had bought me an SX-17, I think it was, a Hallicrafters receiver that I had listened to for a year or two or so, and it just seemed like it was a good thing to try to do.